Senin, 04 April 2011


Sadewata, especially cipelah tenjolaya will always be in my heart. It is a very nice place to live. Ngahenang ngahening no think about everything just have fun and enjoying the nature. I was born there. 40 years ago. Not a long time, a very short time to believe. But it is hard to believe, sure. Heueuh beneran saha nu rek percaya geura. 40 years old. Not an old man, sugan? I am still very surprise to know that I am an old man today. Time goes on, I have, already, a very beautiful young lady just like her mother, my daughter 15 years old, a teenager. A handsome boy, and a one year little girl, si bubun (bulat bundar). 3 children. No wonder .......... alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin ...........
If it be remembered, the past is, very good indeed, it is very exciting cause full of romance. Romansa in Sadewata ...... Unfortunately, all of this will not be happening again, it was a past time. Just make a good preparation for being accounted in the next time, someday in the future at somewhere. Ready or not ready it will be passed by every human being, sakabeh jalma. Must be ready though will never be ready. Heueuh heu heu.................
Beautiful indeed, but all the beauty of it is a creation of Allah SWT. When having enjoyed every pleasures  there must be consequences. Sadewata is a very beautiful place, of course, in my opinion. I often enjoy the beauty of this place I was born alone, me by myself. Enjoy the panoramic of Syawal Mountain which there is stretched Situ Hyang dihandapna, ngampar kawas kaca dialketipan. Ahay ..... terusna above the clouds of Syawal Mountain is like chasing, papanting manting. Pating kalayang kawas keur silih udag. Ngudag naon Jang ? heuheuy deuh kawas nu heueuh .......... Ningalina ti endi? Standing at Tenjolaya atuh titingalian ngablak kamana kamendi. You can't imagine, not only imagine, u must go there. Sok lah sakali-kali ngahajakeun going there. Ga bakalan regret, apalagi kalo bawa bekal banyak. Cobain staying for a couple years aja. Very nice to live ......
Next time I'll continue this story ......
Cag heula

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